Monday, August 30, 2010

All Due Respect

One of my jobs entails staring at photos of supermodels - REAL supermodels - all day.  There is still no other Elle Macpherson, Cindy Crawford, Rachel Williams, Ashley Richardson, Naomi Campbell, Yasmeen Ghauri...

These photographs are taken by Gilles Bensimon.  Google him.  

Gilles Bensimon: Perfecting me.  

I feel I could do a thesis on the man after being paid to stare at his work all day.  His work is not about stealing magic or genius skill at transforming light, or emulsion, or manipulating the minds of these superfreaks-of-delicious-nature.  It is more organic than that.  He is a man. He chose the most perfect moments to aim a lens at the most incredible looking and moving women wearing the most flattering works of art. He did this with little more than his aesthetic, his eye, his...gut.  He trained an entire planet to admire, emulate and thirst for his personal desires.  He's the Kevin Bacon, six degrees... of fashion. 

Staring at work that propelled the art of modeling, advertising and frankly, desire several times a week is inspiring.

Devil Wears Bensimon.

I need to hit the gym.  Hard. 

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