Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Country Comforts

Dictionary.com - psychosomatic: adj.
     1. of or pertaining to a physical disorder that is caused by or notably influenced by emotional factors.

Greg: I think it is psychosomatic.

Jen: I'm not making it up!

Greg: I know. But I think it is coming from your head.

Jen: But doesn't everything?!

This weekend Greg and I kept each other from running out in front of a bus by going to visit some friends in 'the country' upstate. We did this on his credit card and on my claims that my vertigo-state was some sort of flu caused by stress. I stopped being dizzy on day two and started up again this morning. I'm calling it New York Citzyness.

UrbanDictionary.com - psychosemantic: adj.
     1. when the meaning of a word is largely the result of one's own imagination.

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