I inexplicably came down with dizziness last night. It started when I rolled out of bed and couldn't figure out why I kept rolling. After I spent the morning on the couch complaining about my 'Ver-TEE-go' like only a Williams' character could, I continued to do the same in the afternoon while babysitting for a friend. Thank goodness seven-year-olds are satiated with ice cream and television. Heck, I'm satiated with ice cream and, well... that does it for me.
My favorite part of kidsitting was when said kid stepped out of the bathroom with a soaking wet head and told me the sink was leaking just like at her other baby sitter's house. She'd brought supplies for water balloons she wanted to 'throw out the window at people'. I'm not sure how far she would have gotten in trying to unlock the window on her own, but I'm glad we never saw the reality of the Disney movie playing out in her mind.
I can see The Post headline now:
Splash Clash!
Seven Year Old Shot Out of Second Story Rear Window
After she left, Greg joined me on the couch and we babysat a Herzog film on our television. Not quite the cure for a spinning head...like trying to stop a chill by walking through a meat locker.
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