Monday, October 4, 2010

Come and knock on our door...

Greg and I have been inviting folks over for dinner lately. Our circle of friends are just as broke as we are so it's nice to just plop down in our living room with pasta and a bottle of wine. It's much cheaper than a restaurant and at the end of the night we commute to the foyer to escort our guests to the door. Perfect for a lazy weekend. 

Since we are 'New Yorkers', many of our 'New Yorker' friends that are pairs either have incompatible schedules or they are no longer 'New Yorkers' and have moved off to greener pastures. 

We've been entertaining a lot of lone guests.  

It has been fun trying to make our one visitor feel like a singular sensation. We don't have a dining room table and we own one TV tray. Stewart, our little Italian Greyhound, often begs for food while we shout at him to get away from our plates. 

Sometimes it feels like we're practicing for when the grandkids come to visit. We should probably hand folks a $20 bill when they walk out the door.

1 comment:

  1. So...I know this post is from 2 months ago and all, but...why can't I be a "lone guest" "singular sensation"?
