Many people experience that major 'coincidence' that stands out and knocks them over the head. It may come in the form of a deja vu, dream, vision, angel, sentence in a book or something a stranger says in passing. That 'thing' that we stop and go, "OK Universe, I hear you..." It's like the meeting we scheduled with God 10 years ago is finally here. We forgot we set the appointment, He shows up for our one minute one-on-one. We're on line at Starbucks, He just came from derailing a comet.
I think this is a phenomenon that can come from an instant moment of perspective from a far away view of our own lives. Suddenly, we are looking at a map and see the pattern. We understand the signal for the next exit.
This is our life and we are in charge. If we stop giving our choices away to others we might understand these 'signs' come from our guts. Our internal compass, not necessarily a tug on the leash we handed to destiny.
I've had a few of these moments in life. Off the top of my head I believe I have actually seen an "angel", a ghost, a visit from the dead in a dream, an OVERWHELMING feeling of loss later to find out someone had died, examples of ESP and most recently, a clear vision with a soundtrack that arrived when I was meditating.
ALL of these things can be explained by chemistry in the brain, but isn't it more fun to think we have interesting ways of receiving communications to guide us in life? It kind of takes the pressure off if 'something' else told us what to do. Palm Reader, Ghost Whisperer, Jon Stewart...
It seems like it would be easier to just listen to our guts and ignore any judgements or denials. Just do. But... I'm not always sure how to do that. It is almost too simple to go back from nurture and believe in full-on nature, especially with almost every aspect of our lives being man-made in complete collaboration. One would never be able to sustain oneself without the aid of another in today's day and age. If zombies took over the world, would you know how to keep your water and electricity running?
I recently received a message. I'm sure it came from a synapse that fired while I simultaneously digested the last bit of last night's dinner and heard a horn honk outside. I'm going to listen and I'm going to pass it on in all it's simpleness and irony. Maybe you can use it too:
"I'm sorry Jennifer, but you cannot apologize anymore."
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